Monday, January 19, 2009

Shot In the Heart by Mikal Gilmore

I've stayed up past midnight the past two nights finishing this book. Both nights I've gone to bed spooked, but that doesn't stop me. Considering the fact that I'm usually in bed by 10:30 or so, this is definitely saying something. I was a little girl during the 1970's, so I don't remember anything about Gary Gilmore and his story. In fact, I'd never heard his name until I read about this book, and "The Executioner's Song", the Norman Mailer book about Gary's life. I've actually had Shot in the Heart on my shelf for years, but had never gotten around to reading it. Since I'm currently on a memoir kick, I decided to give it a go. Well, all I can say is that it is a fascinating, well written, and very compelling book. Written by Mikal Gilmore, Gary's brother, it is the story of his family. It's a family full of rumors, hauntings, insinuations, abuse, mental illness, and yes, evil. But the evil in the story is not cut and dry. It is many layered evil, with some gooAd peeking through the edges. When you read this book, you are able to have empathy for Gary, yet in no way does it seek to excuse him. Gary was a product of a warped environment. Some people are able to rise above such circumstances and some aren't. We are all wired differently. All in all, it is an excellent read and I highly recommmend it. However, prepare to be haunted by it. A+