Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Danse Macabre

Okay. I'm going to finally lay the Anita Blake books to rest in my own mind. Anita's not dead in the books yet, but for me, she is. I started reading the Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter series more than eight years ago. For about the first five or six books I read, I really liked them. I think Danse Macabre is number 13. I love the characters Laurel K. Hamilton created and like old friends, I keep wanting to come back to them. But now I'm tired of reading about Anita's sexual exploits. I want her to solve a crime or something, but instead, she and everyone around her has become obsessed with sex, due to the ardeur. I just don't enjoy reading the books anymore. Don't get me wrong, a little sex is okay, I'm not a prude, but come on, LKH! She is seriously sacrificing what used to be a really great series on the altar of self indulgence. I'm done now.

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